Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts that exist in the service of Kapchorwa District Local Government, Kapchorwa Municipal Council, and Sipi Town Council.
Applications should be submitted to the Secretary District Service Commission P.O. BOX 2, Kapchorwa. Applications should be submitted in triplicate on P.S.C. Form 3 (PSF3) revised 2008, or E.S.C. Form 3 (1998) whichever is applicable.
Please quote the reference Number and the post applied for. Application Forms are obtained from the office of the Secretary District Service Commission, Kapchorwa, offices of other District Service Commissions or Public Service Commission.
Serving officers should route their applications through their Heads of Departments/Institutions who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delays. Applicants must attach certified copies of their academic documents.
Other details of the Job Advert, Job Description, and Persons Specifications can be obtained from the Ministry of Public Service website at or at Kapchorwa District Service Commission noticeboard.
Deadline: 14th March, 2025.