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Senior Sales Manager Platinum Credit (U) Ltd

The role of the Senior Sales Manager is to grow the portfolio month on month while maintaining high quality by onboarding a motivated team to work with and delivering excellent customer experience.
Key Duties/Responsibilities:
• Develop and implement strategies for the achievement of the portfolio quality target.
• Develop a business marketing plan and sales strategy that ensures attainment of the agreed individual, team, and business unit sales target and expansion of the client base.
Oversee and manage the recruitment of the required sales team as per set targets.
• Develop and implement staff retention strategies.
• Supervise and support regular training of the team in the Zone on all processes.
Maintain high standards of customer satisfaction in line with the company’s customer service charter.
Required Qualifications and Work Experience:
• 5 Years of sales leadership experience.
• Must have experience in managing a team of not less than 15 people.
• Experience with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools.
• Excellent numerical and analytical skills.
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

To apply, submit your application, detailed CV, and testimonials to the address below: The Human Resource Manager
Platinum Credit (U) Ltd
Send your application by email
Deadline: 15th September

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