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The Association Law Firm Roles Uganda Scouts Association

Association’s actions within the ambits of the Law.

Ensure Association documents are properly drafted.
• To raise awareness of any law developments, and influencing positive change in the Association.
• To help in sharpening policies of the association.
• To interpret the Constitution of Uganda Scouts Association to its members.
• To, in consultation with the National Scout Board, draft legal documents including policies, byelaws, rules and regulations for approval by the National Scout Council of Uganda Scout Association/General Assembly in order to promote and safeguard the interests of the Association.
• To provide general legal advice to the leadership of Uganda Scouts Association. To exercise other functions resulting from the Scouts Constitution and by-laws and such functions as the National Scout Board and National Executive Committee may delegate.
• To represent the Association in the courts of law incase of suing or being sued.
• To diligently guide and keep the

The suitable Law Firm:-
• Must be a registered with Law Council of Uganda..
• Must have been in operation for a
• minimum period of atleast Five (5) years.
• Must have a minimum number of atleast two (2) Practicing Advocates, with a minimum experience of five (5) years each in private practice.

Interested persons should address their applications to The Chairperson. National Scout Board. Uganda Scouts Association. Applications and CVS should be sent to scouts or physically hand delivered to Uganda Scouts Association Secretariat located at Kaazi Scouts Camping Site, Busabala not later than 6:00 PM on the 31 day of July, 2024.

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