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Digital Marketing Specialist x2 Redan Business and Vicational Institute (RVI)

Focuses on online marketing efforts, including; social media, email, Search engine optimization (SEO) and Website management.

Digital Marketing Specialist (02 Positions)
Category: Marketing
Education: Minimum Requirement is Certificate in digital marketing or any related course.

Experience: At least 2 years’ working experience in the same field.
Job Type: Full-time (Monday to Friday)

Facilitation/Remuneration: An attractive remuneration package shall be paid in accordance with the institution’s terms and conditions of service. This will be discussed with only the shortlisted candidates.

All interested candidates should send their credentials with updated CVs and cover letters by email: or by hand delivery at Redan Business and Vocational Institute located at; Ham Towers 3rd floor opposite Makerere University Main gate not later than 5/07/2024, 5pm.

WARNING: Do not to pay any money to get a job. Please report fraudulent acts.

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Accounts Assistant Nexgen

Marketing Managers Redan Business and Vicational Institute (RVI)