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Consultancy – Terms of Reference for Gender Consultancy: School Enterprise Challenge – Teach A Man To Fish

Consultancy Title:  Terms of Reference for Gender Consultancy: School Enterprise Challenge

Organisation: Teach A Man To Fish

Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda, Download TOR


Terms of Reference: Gender Consultancy: School Enterprise Challenge

Date: 27/06/2024



Teach A Man To Fish believes that education is the key to tackling global youth unemployment and poverty.


Teach A Man To Fish aims to eradicate poverty by supporting young people in developing countries to develop skills and knowledge for economic empowerment.  We support young people in schools and youth groups to establish enterprises – from eggs to grain storage, crafts to a hotel. These enterprises serve as learning platforms for young people and generate income.  Young people learn valuable business and entrepreneurial skills in the business while the school or group has the ability to raise additional funds in a sustainable way.


Uganda is the world’s youngest country, with a median age of just 14 years’ old. Young people face a number of challenges, of which livelihoods and employment is a significant area. Although Uganda’s economic forecast is promising, its youth are ill-prepared to obtain decent work and are vulnerable to hazardous labour, primarily due to inadequate technical and soft skills and the entrepreneurial perspective needed to identify local market opportunities; negative perceptions about youth held by others; and pervasive poverty. With a growth rate at 3.2 percent annually, Uganda faces significant challenges in meeting its young people’s needs today and in the future.


Starting in 2022, Teach A Man To Fish is implementing a three-year project with 4,400 young people aged between 15-24 in 60 secondary schools in 3 districts in West Nile region with the aim of supporting them to develop entrepreneurship skills, soft skills and a savings culture.


The School Enterprise Challenge is a structured programme that uses the challenges of launching and running a real business to create an engaging programme for discovery and experience for young people in school. 4,400 students in these 60 programme schools will participate in the School Enterprise Challenge for at least one year, facilitated by trained teachers.


The project will use the School Enterprise Challenge to directly meet the immediate and pressing needs of 2,600 disadvantaged young people (13-24 years) in Terego district and introduce an initiative to reduce particular barriers that girls and young women face in the 2 targeted refugee settlements. An additional Girl-focused Club will be introduced into each of the 5 targeted schools in Rhino and Imvepi refugee settlements. The additional Girls’ clubs will focus on providing tailored support to 160 vulnerable young women and tailor our programme to empower vulnerable young girls and young women with skills to become economically independent and simultaneously increase access to vital Menstrual Health Management items for all vulnerable girls and young women in these 5 schools.


This project will add an additional training module to specifically address girls’ needs and introduce this into Girls-focused Clubs in 5 schools serving refugees. The clubs will provide a safe space for girls to voice and address their challenges and learn about their rights , as well as develop essential skills and build their experience,confidence and aspirations as they explore business opportunities.


  1. Detailed background on Teach A Man To Fish Uganda, and our School Enterprise Challenge Program.

Teach A Man To Fish has been active in Uganda since 2009 and has been progressively scaling up its work since 2014. Through our flagship programme, the School Enterprise Challenge, and through bespoke training and consultancy work, Teach A Man to Fish Uganda currently supports schools at primary, secondary and vocational level as well as NGOs and individual entrepreneurs. For more information on Teach A Man To Fish, our work, impact and SEC programme, please see Annex 1 – background information.


School Enterprise Challenge Programme.

The award-winning School Enterprise Challenge programme trains teachers to facilitate students through the 15-steps programme of business planning and implementation, providing a comprehensive bank of resources and tailored support; and celebrating young people’s achievement with Awards.


  1. Objectives of Consultancy


3.1 Overall Objectives


To develop a training module to specifically address girls’ needs and introduce this into Girls-focused Clubs. The clubs will provide a safe space for girls to voice and address their challenges and learn about their rights , as well as develop essential skills and build their experience,confidence and aspirations as they explore business opportunities.


  • To develop a training module to address girls’ needs and roll-out of girls-focused clubs.
  • To deliver accompanying TOT training materials to build teachers’ capacity to roll-out girls-focused clubs.
  • To build the capacity of the TAMTF staff to address girl’s needs,their challenges and learn about their rights, as well as develop essential skills and build their experience,confidence and aspirations as they explore business opportunities.


3.2 Specific Objectives


  • Develop an appropriate training module accompanied by resources, tools and guides to support the roll-out of Girls-focused clubs.
  • Deliver a training of trainers to TAMTF staff on addressing girls’ needs and roll-out of girls-focused clubs.
  • Develop a sensitization campaign to raise awareness among families during school meetings, focusing on inclusive education and addressing misconceptions about menstruation.


  1. Methodology

4.1 Desk review

Review of key School Enterprise Challenge programme documentation including:

  • Teach a Man to Fish programme materials
  • School Enterprise Challenge level weekly guides and report templates
  • Programme proposal and Implementation plan
  • FER Needs assessment report
  • Review existing reports from previous projects


4.2 Delivery of report with recommendations for development of a training module

The consultant will provide a short report with recommendations for developing the training module to address girls’ needs and roll out in Girl’s focused clubs in line with best practice.


4.3 Development  of  training module programme resources

The consultant will develop a training module to address girls’ needs, including a module and resources. The consultant will submit a draft to Teach A Man To Fish for feedback. Each round of production should involve a drafting and review process as follows:

  • Delivery of an initial draft of resources for comments by the TAMTF team and a sample of beneficiaries.
  • Based on TAMTF and beneficiary response to this initial draft, the consultant will adapt the resources. TAMTF will offer one further round of feedback on the resources.
  • Address final comments and deliver final resources.


4.4 Presentation and ToT of final training module

Once the training module to address girls’ needs and resources are signed off, the consultant will hand over the resources to TAMTF and conduct a short (max.1 full-day) training of trainers, highlighting the resources, with recommendations for introducing them to beneficiaries under the programme.


  1. Timeframe

The consultancy will ideally commence on 8th July and will be complete by 30th July 2024 in line with the milestones laid out below.


Activity Deliverable Number of days Location
Inception meeting Meeting report 0.5 day TAMTF Uganda Office
Desk research Review existing SEC curricula and programme resources 1 day TAMTF Uganda Office /Consultant Office as preferred
Inception report 1 inception report summarising findings from desk research, needs assessment and TAMTF feedback, with recommendations for resource design and methodology. The report should include a work plan for next steps. 2 days TAMTF Uganda Office /Consultant Office as preferred
Delivery of draft one of lesson guide addressing girls’ needs, training resources and sensitization campaign 1  lesson guide,handouts, visual aids, resources and sensitization campaign as required.

1 Training PPT, training handouts, visual aids and sensitization campaign

4 days TAMTF Uganda Office/Consultant Office as preferred
Receive and Incorporate feedback from TAMTF Uganda and beneficiaries and provide second draft 1 lesson guide,handouts, visual aids, sensitization campaign and resources as required.

1 lesson guide, Training PPT, training handouts, visual aids and sensitization campaign

4 days TAMTF Uganda Office/Consultant Office as preferred
Receive and Incorporate feedback from TAMTF Uganda and beneficiaries and provide final draft 1 lesson guide,handouts, visual aids, sensitization campaign and resources as required.

1 lesson guide, Training PPT, training handouts, visual aids and sensitization campaign

4 days TAMTF Uganda Office/Consultant Office as preferred
Presentation of finalized resources and training of trainers 1 x day ToT for up to 5 TAMTF staff on Girl focused club materials. 0.5 day prep, 1 day delivery TAMTF Uganda Office
Total   17 days  


  1. Deliverables


Delivery of


1 training module to address girls’ needs and introduce this into girls-focused clubs  including additional resources, handouts and visual aids as required.

1 Training of trainers  PPT, facilitator notes and handouts (1 day training)

1 sensitization campaign to create awareness on inclusive education and addressing misconceptions around menstruation.


Resources to meet the following criteria:

  • Training module to address girls’ needs usable and appropriate to roll out girls’ focused clubs
  • Simplified learning objectives clearly stated for the training module
  • Clear instructions given on 1) managing time for club activities within a 60-minute period 2) member roles and responsibilities 3) community Involvement
  • Examples used to be situated in a Ugandan context
  • Simple, brief and avoiding heavy use of text.
  • All resources laid out in TAMTF style guidelines, with appropriate visual aids, diagrams and tables.
  • Clear and easy-to-understand instructions
  • Documents to be delivered in hard copy (1 set) and soft copy (1 set) to


Delivery of training of trainers (max. 1 x day), highlighting recommendations for roll-out of Girls’ focused clubs. ToT is to be delivered at the TAMTF Uganda office.


Delivery of a sensitization campaign to create awareness in families on inclusive education and addressing misconceptions around menstruation.


  1. Supervision and oversight  

The Consultant will be managed by the School Enterprise Challenge Programme Manager based in Kampala. Additional support will also be provided by the Programmes and communications Officer based in Kampala.


  1. Budget and payment schedule

The indicative available budget is UGX 11,000,000. A value for money analysis on the bids will be done and a consultant with a lower price may be chosen.


This budget includes consultant day rates plus all incidental costs including but not limited to transport, accommodation, subsistence, stationery as well as related taxes and license fees. This applies to all activities except where expressly stated that Teach A Man To Fish will provide any of the above in kind.


  1. Profile and Qualification of the Consultant   

The consultant will have the following competencies and skills:

  • Qualification in education/gender/development studies/adult education/community studies/business or similar related area
  • Demonstrated track record of design of educational resources for roll out of Girls’ focused clubs in Uganda
  • Demonstrated track record of human-centered resource design
  • Extensive knowledge and experience of the rural school context in Uganda
  • In-depth understanding of entrepreneurship education and soft skills development in a school context
  • Established track record in delivering high quality outputs within agreed time frame
  • Good communication skills
  • A good eye for design, layout and formatting
  • Excellent English language skills, both written and spoken
  • Experience of training INGO staff


  1.  How to Apply  

Consultant should email the following information to by 23:59 pm on Thursday 4th July 2024. We do reserve the right to close this advertisement early if we receive a high volume of suitable applications.


  1. A completed applicant details form (see form 1). Applicants without a TIN number will not be considered.
  2. Scan of completed, signed declaration form (see form 2). Applications without a signed, complete declaration form will not be considered.
  3. A brief proposal of no more than 10 pages indicating how they will approach the task as outlined and 2 references at least 1 of which needs to be an organisation that you have completed work for in the last 12 months.
  4. At least 2 examples of work completed in the last 12 months. If you are unable to provide this a clear explanation as to why must be provided.
  5. A budget for delivery of the project as outlined.
  6. A brief profile of the consultant(s) that will be responsible.


The subject line of the email should state: Consultancy Application – SEC resources for Girls’ focused clubs.




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