Fresher Medical Internship Opportunities FY 2024/2025 – Ministry of Health

Job Title: Medical Internship FY 2024/2025

Company: Ministry of Health

Deadline: 5th July 2024

About Company: The Ministry of Health is responsible for ensuring that healthcare services are accessible to all citizens of Uganda. It oversees the provision of medical services, the regulation of healthcare facilities, and the training of healthcare professionals. The Ministry plays a crucial role in maintaining the health standards in the country through various programs and initiatives.

Job Description: The Ministry of Health has started the process of admitting medical interns into the internship training program for the cohort 2024/2025. The internship program aims to provide hands-on experience and training to newly qualified medical professionals. Interns will be deployed to various training centers across the country according to the capacity of the centers and the availability of trainers.

Key Points:

  1. Application for Temporary Registration: All prospective medical interns are required to apply for temporary registration with their respective professional councils by 5th July 2024.
  2. Compilation of Registered Candidates: Professional councils/boards must compile and submit the names of registered candidates to the Uganda Medical Internship Committee by 17th July 2024.
  3. Deployment: The Ministry of Health will deploy medical interns to suitable training centers based on capacity and availability of trainers.
  4. Commencement of Internship: The internship for the cohort of 2024/2025 will commence on 1st August 2024.


  • Must be a newly qualified medical professional eligible for temporary registration.
  • Must apply for temporary registration with the respective professional councils by the stipulated deadline.
  • Must comply with the guidelines and requirements set by the Ministry of Health and the respective professional councils.

How to Apply:

  1. Temporary Registration: Apply for temporary registration with your respective professional council by the end of 5th July 2024.
  2. Submission by Councils/Boards: Ensure that your professional council compiles and submits your name to the Uganda Medical Internship Committee by 17th July 2024.
  3. Note: Applications are not to be submitted directly to the Ministry of Health Headquarters. All submissions must be made through the respective professional councils/boards.

For further information, please contact your respective professional councils/boards.

Issued by: Dr. Henry G. Mwebesa
Director General Health Services



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