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Assistant Accountant Oyam District Local Government

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill vacant position currently available in Oyam District Local Government under DSC Min. No: 451/2024 as listed below: Please indicate reference number of the position applied for.

Applications should be filed in triplicate on PSF 3 (original in own handwriting and submitted to the Secretary District Service Commission Oyam PO Box 30 Laro, Oyam not later than Monday 8th April 2024. Application forms can be obtained free of charge from District Service Commission offices and Public Service Commission website.

Applicants must attach certified copies of academic documents, three passport size photographs, registration certificate and Valid Practicing license where applicable. National identity card and other relevant documents.

Applicants already in service should attach appointment letters, confirmation letter and route their applications through their Heads of Department/Responsible Officer who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.

Job descriptions and person specification can be accessed from Oyam District Service Commission offices, Public Service Commission and Health Service Commission websites or Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted and any form of canvassing when discovered shall lead to disqualification of the applicant.

Shortlisted candidates shall be required to present certified and original academic certificates and transcript, identity cards of all schools attended and National identity card at the time of sitting Oral interviews.

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Land Rights Officer ZOA Uganda

Senior Assistant Accountants Oyam District Local Government