DAKS Couriers Limited is a leading transport and Logistics Company in Uganda, a home-grown company with headquarters located in Kamwokya at Plot 64, Kira Road, opposite the Uganda Museum. Our products and services range from, Transportation & Logistics, clearing & forwarding, and warehousing.
We are looking for young talented graduates for apprenticeship program, to join our different departments for learning and gain more skills and knowledge in the industry.
1. A Bachelor’s in Computer Science, Information Technology, Accounting and Finance, Bachelor of Commerce, Transport and Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management, and Environmental Science.
2. ACGPA of at least 4.00 at time of graduation.
3. Must have attained a distinction in mathematics at O level.
4. Only graduates from 2022-2024 will be considered.
Ongoing students with Current CGPA at 4.5 Can also apply.
Send your application, curriculum vitae and support academic documents by e-mail to hr@dakscouriers.com to reach us not later than 7th February 2024.
NB; Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.