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Agriculture Extension Officer -Livestock Kabarole Research And Resource Centre

Under the guidance of the Project Manager, Agricultural Extension Officer (Livestock) will take lead to implement, monitor and report on all KULEA WATOTO Project activities that target the clients organised in Care Groups, Business Groups and VSLAS in the project targeted areas. She/he will closely work with community-based structures especially the Community Based Facilitators, Care Group Volunteers among others to ensure effective implementation of the livestock and animal health related project activities in Kyaka II refugee Settlement and selected host communities.

Specific Job Roles
• Conduct capacity needs assessment of livestock farmers and utilise the findings to design capacity enhancement plan for livestock farmers.
• Identifying, monitoring and controlling occurrence and spread of animal diseases
Conduct inspection of livestock including offering either direct treatment or linkage of farmers to veterinary services
• Undertake training and guiding of farmers on improved/modern livestock management techniques and practices.
• Undertake monitoring and provide training services to livestock farmers with focus on animal welfare, housing, breed selection and improvements aimed at improving overall animal production and productivity.
• Conduct market surveys for potential livestock markets and create the necessary linkages to ensure that farmers access such markets.
Train livestock farmers on feeding including feeds selection, pasture management, records keeping and general farm management.
• Undertake capacity building of Community Based Facilitators, Village Health Teams and other project staff on livestock management.
• Conduct training of livestock farmers in farming as a business.
• Conduct mapping of existing resources/infrastructure such as farm inputs, financial service providers, private veterinary service providers, livestock vocational skilling centres among others and create linkage for farmers to such services based on their needs.

Planning and reporting
• Develop and submit quarterly, monthly, weekly and activity plans.
• Document and submit the monthly project and activity reports.
Document and submit at least one relevant article for the newsletter every month
• Fundraising
• Participate in the development of funding concepts and proposals in the agriculture/livestock production thematic area.

• This assignment requires close collaboration and monitoring of the Community Based Facilitators
• to ensure effective planning and delivery of livestock management training and extension.
• Networking
• Participate in meetings and other Key activities of the supported farmers organised in Care Groups, Business groups and VSLAS.
• Participate in settlement and District level coordination meetings.
• Participate in relevant regional and national level events that have a direct bearing on the Kulea Watoto Project. Such events may include World Food Day, International Refugee Day, and
• International Women’s Day among others.
• Undertake any other role assigned by the supervisor

Core Qualification and Experience
• Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management, Livestock Management and Veterinary Medicine.
• At least two years’ experience in implementation of livestock management related projects in a refugee settlement/NGO set up.

Other relevant Experience
• Experience in nutrition program and community work.
• Experience in working with community-based structures such as CBFs, Lead farmers etc.
• Good teamwork skills and flexibility.
• Good interpersonal and communication skills
• Good writing and presentation skills
• English fluency (verbal and written) required and local language/Kiswahili (preferred) Experience in working in a refugee settlement context.

Applications from interested and qualified candidates should be submitted to the Human Resource Manager, Kabarole Research & Resource Centre-Uganda plot 28, Mugurusi Road, P.O Box 782, Fort- Portal-Uganda. Requirements A complete and signed application letter A curriculum Vitae / Resume Copies of academic Transcripts, Copies of National ID Names, contact numbers and addresses of three (3) professional references Closing Date: Thursday 16 November 2023 at 5:00pm either by hand delivery OR Email to Date for Interviews: To be communicated to shortlisted candidates

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