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Painting & Coating Inspector COOEC-CPECC Joint Venture

• Study and review Project Specification; Prepare Method Statement/ Procedure and ITP documents.
• Supervise and manage on-site construction and commissioning work, Final Dossier preparation and hand over to Company.
• Identifying NCRs/defects/punch list and Follow-up with construction team for effective Corrective & Preventive action on the same.
• Bachelor’s Degree with major of Mechanical Engineering or related
• At least 5 years working experience as inspector or engineer of blasting, painting, coating and insulation in oil & gas industry,1 years of experience overseas, more than 1 project execution experience overseas
• Inspectors shall be individually certified in accordance with NS 476 (Inspector certified level II or Level III) or NACE certified coating inspector level II or level III.
• Knowledge of blasting, painting, coating, insulation and other related knowledge
• Advanced computer skills on MS office like word, excel, PPT etc.

We, COOEC-CPECC Joint Venture are currently executing the Kingfisher EPC3 Project facilities n Please send the CVs to 

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