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Cashier Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital

Key Duties
• Handle cash payments.
• Ensure timely liquidations for advances.
• Effect payments to staff and vendors against approved requests by preparing payment vouchers and cheques.
• Check the coding of transactions to ensure correctness of allocation to projects, funding, and compliances with requirement.
• Prepare general ledger journals.
• Assist in monitoring expenses and advance liquidation.
• Ensure safe custody of finance documents including used and un-used receipt, cheques and vouchers.
• Maintain an update filing system for finance documents.
• Provide technical financial support to other staff where need be.
• Ensure that cheques are properly recorded in the cheque register and photocopied and kept.
• And shall carry out any other duty as assigned by the Supervisor.
• Diploma in Accounting.
• Above average computer literacy, e.g. EXCEL, WORD, Accounting Package PASTEL
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Excellent organizational and planning skills with demonstrated teamwork skills.
• 2+ years of accounting experience.
• Experience required in a deadline-oriented, multi-task environment
• Proven ability to interact with all levels of management and other Associates

Interested applicants are requested to send in an application letter, a detailed CV, copies of relevant academic document. Practicing license or Extract, National ID as ONE PDF file not later than the 15th September, 2023. Applications can he submitted by E-mail to; 

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