Banyankole Kweterana Co-operative Union is a registered Co-operative Union with the Registrar of Cooperatives, registered in 1958, Reg. No. 1490 operating in 10 districts of Ankole Region, dealing in Agricultural Marketing and Export of coffee.
Applications are invited from interested suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions mentioned;
Applicant must be Ugandan aged 3055 years with a degree in Business Administration (Marketing option), Marketing, or any other marketing related course.
For more details, you can check on noticeboards at all Union branches. Interested candidates should deliver their applications with other relevant attachments not later than 27th February 2023 to Banyankole Kweterana Co-operative Union Itd Head Quarters – Kakoba, Mbarara. Or send via E-mail or All applications should be addressed to;
The Chairman Board
Banyankole Kweterana Cooperative Union
P.O. Box 324 Mbarara.