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Seed Rights Coordinator NGO Jobs – Oxfam

Job Title:  Seed Rights Coordinator

Organisation: Oxfam

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

Reports to: Resilient Livelihoods Manager


About US:

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty. We are an international confederation of 19 organizations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries.


Job Summary: The incumbent will provide technical leadership and guidance on food systems to enable the Oxfam in Uganda Resilient Livelihood Program effectively and efficiently contribute to resilient livelihoods of women, youth and other vulnerable group. The jobholder will also vibrantly participate in policy and technical discussions on food, nutrition and agriculture policies at subnational, national, regional and global platforms.

Undertake/commission organised research and analysis and spend time in reflective consideration to contribute to regenerative, nourishing and equitable food systems.

Create/strengthen strategic networks, convene and broker learnings around food systems and broadly the Resilient Livelihood program theme.


Key Duties and Responsibilities:


  • Strengthen food systems programming in all settings (rural, urban, peri urban) to knit well with other components of Resilient Livelihoods program and other themes
  • Conduct food systems focused studies and researches to inform programming at country levels as well as supporting  confederation led studies
  • Create/strengthen Oxfam’s collaboration with Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) to contribute to food systems global narratives
  • Coordinate food systems debates with strategic partners to influence and ensure equity and efficiencies of the food systems
  • Lead advocacy initiatives and dialogues with stakeholders to ensure people’s right to adequate, safe and nutritious foods
  • Build/strengthen food systems alliances with public and private sectors as well as development agencies for effective and efficient collaborations
  • Periodically provide food security and nutrition updates and analysis to country programme to inform programming
  • Build capacity of Resilient Livelihoods theme as well as Humanitarian Emergency Food Security and Vulnerable Livelihoods team on soil health, plant breeding Community Seeds Banking and farm systems resilience.
  • Ensure sound analysis of current policy trends and support its inclusion in program choices.
  • Supply Oxfam country program with credible food systems data to inform debates in major convenings and platforms


  • Ensure food systems interventions are linked to the broader resilience livelihood theme as well as to both governance and accountability and humanitarian work of Oxfam  and that Women’s rights is at the core
  • Lead and coordinate all food systems related project to ensure right to adequate, safe and nutritious food
  • Strengthen collaborations with Government Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs), research institutions and other development agencies
  • Support partners in identifying capacity gaps and recommending capacity enhancement plans.
  • Ensure that partner organizations work in accordance with Oxfam standards and objectives.
  • Carry out regular and mutually agreed review visits to partners and other NGOs and provide guidance on enhancing the quality of programmes.
  • Hold and/or participate in regular meetings with partner organisations, and stakeholders to ensure that the working relationship between them and Oxfam is positive, open and conducive to the successful achievement of agreed objectives.
  • Represent Oxfam in agricultural and food systems convenings with alliances at national and regional levels


  • Work in close collaboration with the Resilient Livelihood Manager, support processes and partner involvement in community based planning and citizen centred programming as well as in taking forward agreed influencing actions.
  • Working closely with the Program Funding Manager, participate in relevant fundraising activities, through the development of fundable concepts (at all levels) and by assisting in the development of donor proposals, budget submissions and other necessary activities to secure funding for food systems program
  • Work closely with the Program Quality and Learning team to ensure an effective, transparent and robust MEAL system and process is in place to ensure that the food systems programming is enhanced within Resilient Livelihoods Program and Oxfam in Uganda
  • Coordinate partners to develop detailed operational plans, budgets, indicators and MEAL frameworks for food systems projects
  • Conduct regular performance assessments and reviews of partner organisations, to ensure that the capacity building program is delivering agreed results, making necessary adjustments as circumstances change
  • Work closely with the Media & Communications team and document progress from projects
  • Gather information about different initiatives by CSOs and ensure they are captured in program implementation design as well as advising on how food systems interventions or any other Oxfam interventions can collaborate with such efforts
  • Compile narrative reports from partners implementing food systems designed initiatives and ensure it complies with Oxfam reporting standards.
  • Offer any other support to the program teams especially in areas of food systems research, providing evidences, advocacy, campaigns, fund raising and  public engagements in the spirit of a one program approach
  • Effectively manage and control food systems project budgets assigned to partners to implement food systems related intervention, as well as Oxfam directly implemented activities to ensure efficient use of resources and value for money.
  • Conduct monthly review expenditure verification and provide explanations on the statuses to ensure all projects are on track


  • Eager and required to adhere to Oxfam’s principles and values (click here) as well as the promotion of gender justice and women’s rights (click here).
  • Understanding of and commitment to adhere to equity, diversity, gender, child safety and staff health and wellbeing principles.
  • Ensure the Resilient Livelihoods team understands their roles in safeguarding staff and clients; facilitate risk assessments to enable safe programming; and to promote team capacity building around safeguarding.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The Oxfam Food Systems Coordinator career opportunity should hold a degree in Agribusiness, Agricultural economics, agricultural science or any other relevant field. A master’s degree  and/or  strong technical  grasp in the relevant field will be added advantage.
  • At least five years working experience in a holistic livelihoods improvement program with practical experience in Agriculture, socio-economic development, monitoring and evaluations.
  • Three years’ experience in managing partnerships, and organizational capacity building of local organizations
  • Demonstrated interest and understanding of key concepts such as small scale enterprise development, micro finance and marketing
  • Broad knowledge and understanding of a “Rights Based Approach”;
  • Proven capacity to ensure project implementation in accordance with agreed frameworks and timelines.
  • Excellent analytical and conceptual skills, commitment to “non-directive” styles of working and open minded.
  • Demonstrated ability to be results driven, have excellent prioritisation skills and be committed to meeting deadlines.
  • Willingness to work after working hours and ability to develop work plans.
  • Sharp analytical mind for external context analysis and ability to relate them to Oxfam and partner programs.
  • Ability to conduct gender analysis and apply a gender lens in all program/project interventions
  • Comprehensive knowledge and experience of implementing livelihood programs and initiatives, ideally built on mature understanding of relevant issues derived from field experience
  • Knowledge on food security interventions and promoting the right to food
  • Knowledge on the seed system, promoting farmers’ seed rights and seed sovereignty
  • Knowledge on land rights programming
  • Knowledge of climate change adaptation
  • Commitment to and good knowledge of working with networks, coalitions and a partnership approach, including innovative approaches to capacity strengthening.
  • Knowledge of advocacy, campaigns and lobbying in a diverse socio political set up.
  • Good knowledge of active citizenship and constraints to their participation in decision making processes.
  • Working knowledge of Uganda’s civil society dynamics and key stakeholders in civil society.
  • Knowledge of programme development and delivery approaches, tools, methodologies and best practices
  • Proven knowledge of and experience with donor funding environment and good financial and project management skills;
  • Good understanding and experience of project/program management cycle, and participatory appraisal techniques.
  • Ability to travel extensively in all areas of the country & the region as required
  • Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
  • Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
  • Organizational and personal management skills, with ability to prioritize work issues to meet deadlines with minimal supervision and ability to adjust to constantly changing situations while maintaining focus on delivery and follow-through
  • A good understanding of the changing context and the implications on programme delivery
  • Excellent communication both listening and writing skills
  • Ability to network and build effective partnerships on programs/project activities to meet set goals and targets
  • Ability to develop work plans and write good reports that meet the Oxfam quality standards
  • Ability to work with teams to deliver on the country objectives.
  • Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.


How to Apply:

All candidates should apply online at the link below.


Click Here



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