
Terms of Reference for Water Harvesting and Sustainable Environment Management – Uganda

Terms of Reference for Water Harvesting and Sustainable Environment Management

Project Title: Strengthening the resilience and nutrition well-being of communities in Amudat and Nakapiripirit (SRNAN-Project).

Project Description

SNRAN Project aims at strengthening food security, nutrition and resilience of communities in Amudat and Nakapiripirit. Objective 1, Output 1.3 Degraded landscape restored to productive use. This activity will be implemented in Nakapiripirit District in Moruita Parish (New, Acherer, cholol, Utut, Katukmwok and Napeles villages) and Karinga parish (Karinga B, Sukudik and pelpel villages). In Amudat district, the activity will be implemented in Amudat sub county, Ngongosowan parish (Chemintiril village) and Loburin Parish (Atirir and Chemakany villages).

This activity of the project will be implemented in line with ACTED’s THRIVE[1] Programing strategy which aims to integrate ecosystems, livelihoods, markets, social cohesion and grassroots governance in vulnerable environments and offers a sustainable approach to support the regeneration of ecosystems through a sequenced, layered and integrated initiative that is community based and tailored to each specific context and location. The REVIVE[2] pillar of the THRIVE strategy will be used to implement output 1.3 of the first objective of this project: Degraded environment restored to productive use.

Main objective: To strengthen food security, nutrition and resilience of vulnerable households in Nakapiripirit and Amudat. ACTED and Food for the Hungry (FH) will achieve this through realisation of the following two specific objectives.

Specific Objective 1: To improve food security for 1,584 Vulnerable households in Amudat and Nakapiripirit

Specific Objective 2: To enhance prevention of stunting and undernutrition and increase access to appropriate treatment of malnutrition focusing on the first 1000 days of life through targeted Maternal Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) Interventions

Objectives of the assignment, roles and responsibilities of the consultant

The overall objective of this consultancy is to offer technical services in developing curriculum, conducting TOT trainings on water harvesting technologies and sustainable environment management in Amudat and Nakapiripirit.

Specific objectives

    1. Mark 35825m of hater harvesting swales in Nakapiripirit and Amudat districts

Water harvesting generally refers to the collection of rainstorm-generated runoff from a particular area (a catchment) in order to provide water for human, animal, or crop use. Under water harvesting, the consultant will mark 35,825m of swales in mentioned areas in Nakapiripirit and Amudat district for beneficiaries to engaged under cash for work.

    1. Build capacity of Community in sustainable environment management

The natural environment has over the years been disrupted and degraded by human activities. It is therefore necessary that man understands the environment as a basis for achieving sustainable utilization of natural resources. The consultant will develop a training curriculum and carryout TOT training for ACTED staff, who will then train the Environment Management Committees and supervise the transfer of knowledge to the wider beneficiary community.





Desk review of existing literature

Draft training manual

1 week in September


Develop a 3 day training curriculum for training communities on water harvesting technologies and sustainable environment management use

3 day training curriculum

3 Weeks August – September – 2022


Conduct a 3 day training of trainers for lead farmers and environment management committees

TOT training report

2 Weeks in September – October 2022


Mark 35,825m water lines (swales) for digging (17,913m in Moruita and 17,912m in Amudat)

Swale marking report

8 weeks (September – November 2022)

Skills and experience

The consultant or the consulting firm must have a varied mix of skills and competencies and must have undertaken similar works in East Africa in the last 5 years. Experience in Uganda will be an advantage.

  • A minimum of a BSc in Agricultural Land Use and Management Agriculture, Agro-Ecology, Climate Change, or other relevant disciplines
  • A qualification in permaculture is an added advantage
  • Proven track record in developing training materials and delivering training to low-literacy participants
  • Demonstrated experience in degraded land restoration
  • Fluency in English
  • Working knowledge of local languages spoken in Nakapiripirit and Amudat is advantage.


Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

  1. Letter of interest.
  2. Detailed technical and financial proposals clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including the following:
  • Profile of consultant/organisation
  • Evidence of previous experience in developing and delivering outputs of a similar nature
  • Proposed methodology
  • Ethics and safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
  • A proposed timeframe detailing activity and a schedule/work plan
  • Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member.
  1. A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study
  • Itemized consultancy fees/costs.
  • Itemized administrative expenses.
  • Expected payment plan and method.

Note: Available budget is 6,000EUR. Financial Proposal

  1. Evidence of qualifications and curriculum vitae(s) of all proposed staff outlining relevant experience.
  2. (In the case of a company) a company profile.
  3. (In the case of a company) a copy of registration documents like Certificate of Incorporation
  4. Tax identification number and tax clearance certificate for the company and/or consultants
  5. Attach a copy of National ID/Passport copy for company legal representative.
  6. Detailed bank details
  7. Names and contact information of three references
  8. Technical and financial proposal should be submitted to not later than one week from the date of this advert.

[1] THRIVE = Towards Holistic Resilience in Vulnerable Environments

[2] REVIVE = Regenerative Earthworks and Vegetation in Vibrant Ecosystems

How to apply

Technical and financial proposal should be submitted to not later than one week from the date of this advert.

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Education and Transferable Skills Lead (The BRIDGE PROJECT) – Uganda